So you have an ecommerce website set up and you think sales should just be coming in? But they are not! Lots of websites have fundamental issues that are stopping companies from making money from their website.

Here are 3 things you should do straight away to help improve your ecommerce website:

Be Your Own Customer

When was the last time you completed a purchase on your own website? Never? Make sure you try the complete user journey out for yourself. Is the process simple or is it hard to navigate? It is ok to not be happy with your own site. Maybe it could be the best thing to happen to you. This then means that you recognise the flaws and gaps in your site. It means you are willing to make the changes required to make your site better for your user.

Figuring out what it is like to be one of your own customers is the first step to making them all happy with your site and your service.

Longwinded Checkout Processes

Think about when buying from other websites. Are you put off from longwinded checkout processes? The process should be as simple as search, find and buy. But often, it is a case of search, find, set up an account, fill out some forms and then buy. Nobody ever had to provide all this information when buying from a high street shop so why make them do it online?

The basket/cart itself needs to be useful. Putting items in and taking them out, changing options, colors, sizes and quantity should be such a simple process.

Keep your user in mind the whole time. They might browse your site, find the item they want and then add to basket. They then get distracted and then hours later return to your site. Has their session now timed out and they will have to search for the item again? Make sure you keep this in mind that people may return later in the day or even the next day to complete their purchase. So keep in mind that users probably won’t mind if the session lasts 24 hours or more.

The experience can be made easier also by allowing card data to be stored and enabling autofill. All these little wins add up to a pleasant online shopping experience, especially for returning users.

Money – Just Take It!

How many payment options do you accept on your website? Payment options should never be limited. A site that doesn’t accept PayPal is a bit like a high street shop that doesn’t accept cash. Similarly, so many sites only accept PayPal, adding another process for people without a PayPal account.

Not accepting popular forms of online payment is just going to limit the amount of people that can buy from you. It doesn’t matter how amazing your site and products are if people can’t give their money to you. So cover all bases. Have live chat enabled for any issues that users may face during their visit – these options help to give a sense of confidence too.

Make sure you cover all bases and leave nothing to chance.

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