The youtubers take a position facing the sharing platform. They are asking society for greater transparency in their exchanges. A statement has just been made by content creators on YouTube. The IG Metall trade union has just spoken and is asking the platform to explain some of its actions.

Unexpected action in the environment

It is important to note that YouTube communication is mostly digital. Bots are responsible for responding to the various demands of the channels. It is therefore very complicated for content creators to exchange directly with a natural person. On the other hand, the answers given are rarely satisfactory for youtubers. In this way, some of them joined one of the largest European trade unions: IG Metall.

This union deals with workers in the electrical engineering, information technology, plastics and textile sectors. A real boon for these 2.0 workers looking for answers. Indeed, YouTube demonizes regularly and without explanation certain videos. In addition, YouTube’s global monetization is lacking according to this transparency collective.

FairTube or movement that wants to change the system

It is essential for these content creators to put an end to the robotic exchanges and the inexplication of the actions of the platform. This movement called Faritube calls for a real dialogue with YouTube leaders. The company also sometimes removes certain videos without justifying its action to the person concerned.

Jörg Sprave, one of the union’s leaders, saw one of his videos deleted as a result of Youtube’s crackdown on weapons-related videos. On the one hand, its content respected the rules imposed by the platform, and on the other hand, the pressure put on YouTube put the company in a difficult position. It is therefore difficult for the company to position itself. Nevertheless, transparency remains a positive means of communication that could bring a better exchange for YouTube players.

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